middle of your sales funnel

Are You Neglecting The Middle Of Your Sales Funnel?

Diane MouraUncategorized

Are you neglecting the middle of your sales funnel? Many people neglect this area because they feel they have already laid down a good enough foundation by getting prospects to inquire or buy something on the front end. But what if I told you the middle of your sales funnel is not only important, it’s the most critical stage of your sales funnel? 


It’s your sweet spot, where most of your conversions are happening. If you neglect this part, you’ll be doing yourself a major disservice.




Like most businesses, you probably focus most of your sales and marketing efforts on generating new leads and converting them into customers. But what about the middle of your sales funnel? Are you neglecting your middle-of-the-funnel (MOFU) prospects?


MOFU prospects are those who have shown some interest in your product or service but haven’t yet made a purchase. They may be subscribed to your email list, have visited your website, or have attended one of your webinars.


The MOFU is a crucial stage in the sales funnel, and it’s vital to nurture your MOFU prospects and keep them moving down the funnel toward a purchase. Here are 5 tips for doing just that:


  1. Keep your communications relevant and exciting.


Make sure that the content you’re sending to MOFU prospects is relevant to their interests and needs. If they subscribe to your email list, they’re interested in what you have to say, so give them information that will help them make a decision about your product or service.


  1. Don’t try to sell too early.


Your MOFU prospects aren’t ready to buy just yet, so don’t try to hard sell them. Instead, focus on providing helpful information and building a relationship.


  1. Use lead nurturing campaigns.


Lead nurturing campaigns are a great way to keep your MOFU prospects engaged. You can use email marketing, retargeting ads, or even direct mail to reach your prospects with relevant information.


  1. Try different channels.


Don’t just stick to email marketing when reaching out to MOFU prospects. Instead, try using other channels like social media, webinars, or even events to reach where they’re already spending their time.


  1. Be patient.


Nurturing MOFU prospects takes time, so be patient and don’t give up too soon. It may take a few months (or even longer) to convert a MOFU prospect into a customer, but it will be worth it in the end.


Why Should You Care About The Middle Of Your Sales Funnel?


If you’re only focusing on the top of your sales funnel, you’re neglecting a crucial part of your customer’s journey. 


Think about it this way: the middle of your sales funnel is where your customers decide whether or not to buy from you. If they’re not sure if they want to commit, this is where they’ll go to learn more about your product or service.


That means that if you’re not providing helpful, relevant content at this stage, you could lose them entirely. But if you provide content that helps them make an informed decision, you’re more likely to close the sale.


The bottom line is that if you want to maximize your sales, you must pay attention to the entire funnel, not just the top. By providing helpful, relevant content in the middle of your sales funnel, you can increase your chances of closing more deals and boosting your bottom line.


What Happens When You Don’t Care?


When you neglect the middle part of your sales funnel, two things can happen. First, you’ll miss out on potential customers interested in what you offer but are not quite ready to buy. Second, you’ll end up losing sales to your competitors, who are better at nurturing their leads.


To avoid these outcomes, it’s essential to focus on providing value throughout the entire sales funnel – from the top (awareness) all the way down to the bottom (purchase). This means creating content that speaks to each stage of the buyer’s journey and offering targeted solutions that address their specific needs.


By doing this, you’ll not only attract more leads, but you’ll also be better equipped to convert them into customers.

Marketing, just like life, needs balance. The three steps of the marketing funnel needs equal attention. So if you’re not paying attention to the middle of your sales funnel, now is the time to start!