web3 for business

Preparing Your Business For Web3: Embracing the Future of the Internet

Diane MouraBlog

As a business owner, it’s likely you’re thinking about preparing your business for Web3.  The evolution of the internet has reached an exciting phase. As a business owner, it’s crucial to understand and adapt to this new paradigm. Web3 represents the next iteration of the internet, moving beyond the centralized control of Web2 and offering decentralized ownership, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). In this blog, we will explore the significance of Web3 and how you can prepare your business to leverage its potential.

What are Web1 and Web2?

Web1, or the read-only internet, was the era when information was consumed without the ability to interact or contribute. This phase was marked by static websites and limited user engagement. With the advent of Web2, the internet became interactive, allowing user-generated content and social media platforms to thrive. However, Web2 remained centralized, controlled by corporations and platforms that could revoke access or dictate terms.

Understanding Web3 and Its Implications

Web3 represents a paradigm shift in how we use and interact with the internet. It leverages blockchain technology, decentralized ownership, and cryptocurrencies to empower users and promote a more open and secure online environment. Web3 offers numerous business possibilities, including decentralized finance, supply chain optimization, real estate ownership, and digital art. So how do we use Web3?

More: Web3.0 101: Some Fundamentals You Need To Know

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Decentralized finance is one of the earliest use cases for Web3. It enables borderless, peer-to-peer financial transactions using cryptocurrencies. With DeFi, you can send and receive payments without intermediaries, providing faster, cheaper, and more secure transactions. It also facilitates global e-commerce by eliminating barriers related to cross-border payments.

Let’s explore one concrete example. Imagine you have a virtual assistant residing in Venezuela whom you need to pay. Traditional banking systems in the US might impose restrictions due to sanctions, Western Union might limit the amount you can send at once, and Zelle would require the recipient to have a US bank account, making cross-border transactions cumbersome. Additionally, currency exchange rates and fluctuations add complexity to the process.

Now, consider the option of paying in cryptocurrency. By utilizing crypto, you and your virtual assistant would have digital wallets. Once set up, the process becomes as simple as sending money to a friend — just a few clicks and the funds are instantly transferred to her wallet. This transaction occurs without any government interference or third-party holding the funds.

Smart Contracts and Automation

Smart contracts are a vital component of Web3, revolutionizing how we enter into agreements. These self-executing contracts are stored on the blockchain, consisting of multiple interconnected networks. By automating and securing various agreements, smart contracts eliminate the need for intermediaries, reducing costs and risks.

For example, a smart contract can only be programmed to release funds when certain conditions are met. Once the contract is established, it becomes an immutable record that cannot be tampered with or erased. This eliminates the need for legal disputes or costly litigation that typically arise when one party fails to fulfill their obligations.

There’s no need for lawyers or brokers in a smart contract transaction. The entire process is public, transparent, and visible to all parties involved. This level of transparency and immutability ensures trust and accountability. The applications of smart contracts are diverse and far-reaching. For instance, smart contracts can streamline processes related to sharing sensitive data in the healthcare industry.

Many of you have likely sent your DNA sample to a service like 23andMe to discover your ancestral roots. They in turn sell your data to clients like big pharma to use in drug research.  Did you profit from them using your data?  Not in the Web2 world.

With the power of smart contracts, you can ensure that your genetic information is securely shared and accessed only by authorized parties, without the need for intermediaries or concerns about data privacy.  But perhaps, you can register your healthcare data in a way that is not directly tied to you personally, but so that it can be sold directly to researchers such that you benefit.

Beyond healthcare, smart contracts have applications in supply chain management, insurance, and many other industries where transparency, traceability, and immutable records are crucial. The potential use cases are vast and endless, limited only by our imagination.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs)

NFTs have gained significant attention in the Web3 space. They represent unique digital assets or collectibles that can be bought, sold, and traded using blockchain technology. NFTs enable artists, musicians, and content creators to monetize their work directly and establish connections with their fans. Additionally, NFTs can be used for authentication, proving ownership, and granting access to exclusive content or events.

Metaverses and Virtual Communities

Metaverses are immersive virtual environments where users interact with each other and digital content. They offer unique opportunities for businesses to create virtual experiences, host events, and establish a presence.

Decentraland, Roblox, and The Sandbox are popular metaverses attracting large and diverse communities. These platforms have become more than just gaming spaces; they have transformed into thriving social hubs where people worldwide can come together as avatars, engaging in various activities.

In these metaverses, you’ll find an exciting blend of gaming, social interaction, and even commercial ventures. Retail stores have set up shop in these virtual worlds, providing users with a unique shopping experience. Brands have recognized the potential of metaverses for marketing, establishing virtual storefronts, and creating engaging campaigns. Additionally, artists take the stage in virtual concerts, performing for their fans in a truly immersive way.

It’s important to note that there isn’t a single Metaverse entity, but rather multiple metaverses, each with its distinct features and user communities. Public metaverses are open to anyone, offering a bustling space filled with people from all walks of life. Private metaverses, on the other hand, are more tailored for specific purposes such as brand activations, private experiences, promotional events, and collaborative ventures.

To give you a glimpse of what these metaverses look like, let’s explore one example: Decentraland. Imagine stepping into a virtual world where you can roam, interact with others, and explore a vibrant and ever-evolving digital landscape. It’s a place where creativity knows no bounds, where you can attend events, visit art exhibitions, or even buy virtual land and build your virtual creations.

Metaverses have become a hotbed of innovation, bringing together individuals, businesses, and creators from around the globe. It’s a thrilling realm where imagination becomes a reality, and the possibilities for engagement, commerce, and entertainment are boundless.

Preparing Your Business for Web3

To prepare your business for Web3, consider the following steps:

Educate Yourself

Stay informed about the latest developments in Web3 by reading blogs, listening to podcasts, and exploring online communities. Understand how Web3 impacts your industry and identify potential opportunities for your business.

Research and Experiment

Dive deeper into specific areas of interest within Web3—research how blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and NFTs can be applied to your business model. Experiment with platforms, wallets, and marketplaces to gain hands-on experience.

Plan Your Timeline

Deciding on the right timeline for your Web3 involvement is crucial. Reflect on whether you’re ready to dive in headfirst or prefer a more gradual approach. Balancing the need for education and exploration with the practical considerations of your business is essential. When prepariing your business for Web3, find the pace that works best for you and ensure you have a clear roadmap for your journey.