Google is running some heartwarming ads right now with stories of small businesses that have been saved through COVID by people like us, specifically searching online to shop locally. Each year American Express runs its Shop Small campaign and features local merchants on a map, offering rebates to members to shop from this list. Shop Local has been a trend …
Networking In Our Alternate Reality
Fast forward to the year 2040. My grandchildren are sitting at my feet, begging me to tell them a story of the “olden days.” I remember doing the same with my grandparents as they obliged me with stories of what it was like to live through the Great Depression. It was fascinating yet utterly unrelatable as we sat in our …
Entrepreneurship Lessons From Aerosmith
Not everyone thinks of musicians as entrepreneurs, but they start their journey as small businesses just as much as the rest of us. They have a product, they have a target market, and they want to grow. Aerosmith is an excellent example of a group of entrepreneurs with the right stuff. The band formed in Boston in 1970 and became …
How To Have An Effective 1-1 Networking Meeting (COVID Edition)
Isn’t it funny how even though most of us are saving a ton of time not being in traffic, each time Friday rolls around, we wonder where the heck our week went? Remember the days when we managed to work in business lunches, coffees, and the occasional happy hour despite the traffic? A few weeks ago, I talked about the …
The Importance of Tenacity For An Entrepreneur
Last night I went to Home Depot with my daughter to buy a power drill she could use to work on her robot. By the way, I’m happy to say that we are breaking gender stereotypes and that is a typical day at casa Moura. Anyway, I’m not sure if you’ve been to the Home Depot on SW 8th but …
Ethical Online Marketing
I’m old enough to remember working before Microsoft Windows, before the Internet became popular, and before social media. When I was a teenager and wanted to talk to my friends, I had to pick up the phone and call them. Likely one of their parents would answer and would either bring them to the phone or I’d have to leave …
How To Make Your LinkedIn Business Page Work For You
Last week I shared some tips on improving your LinkedIn personal page, but as a business owner, you also need a LinkedIn business page, so let’s talk about that today. I’ll preface this by saying that the entire LinkedIn platform is built around the idea of professionals connecting with other professionals, so your personal page will always be your number …
How To Make Your Profile Stand Out On LinkedIn
After several months of locking ourselves in our homes and suspiciously eyeing anyone who comes close to us, it seems that we’ll need to adjust to what is now “the new normal.” And that new reality applies to how we network. It’s been almost six months since I handed someone my business card, but it’s probably been 6 minutes since …
What You Need to Know About Email Marketing
You may have noticed more emails in your inbox lately. But unlike pre-COVID days when you spent half your day fighting traffic, and you actually had a social life, if you’re like most people, you may have also noticed that you’re opening more emails lately. Yesterday, while procrastinating about something that had been on my to-do list for several days …
Intelligent Disobedience
I’m not sure how many of you are checking out LinkedIn Learning videos, but if you sort through them, you’ll find some pearls that are worth sharing. I especially like that I can click around to view only the short segments I’m interested in, and then fast forward until I get to the meat of the message. Hey even when …