This week one of my favorite authors, Simon Sinek posted a quote on LinkedIn that really caught my attention. “True strength is the courage to ask for help.” It’s an interesting statement that got me thinking, so I decided to do a little digging. Not being the type of person who typically asks for help until I’m absolutely drowning, …
How To Manage “COVID Time”
There are several fun idioms we use to express the passing of time. When it’s passing quickly, we say that time flies. When we’re due to take action, we say that it’s high time. When we’re rushing we try to beat the clock. When we get something done just before the deadline, we say that it was at the eleventh …
How To Develop A Killer Message To Attract More Clients
Today is part 3 of our 3-part series on using psychology to improve your marketing. In part one, I talked about how to use psychology to get attention and make a good first impression. One component of getting attention is having a tagline that both catches attention and makes it clear what you do. For ZenChange, our tagline is “The …
Marketing In A Post-COVID World
March 16th. That was the last day I physically left my home to visit a client. I remember feeling nervous at the time because they are a retailer and the CDC guidelines were just starting to hit the press about COVID. That was before we knew exactly how the virus spreads. Since then, we have learned that being in contact …
The Psychology Of Targeting Your Message
A couple of weeks ago I talked about how you can use psychology to make a good first impression, and how to create a tagline for your business that will capture attention. So now let’s assume that your target audience is listening, at least digitally. What do you say next? Well, clearly that depends on who you’re speaking to. …
Failing Your Way To Success
These past few days reminded me of that famous quote from Charles Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” Protesters around the country took to the streets after yet another unarmed black man was killed by police, this time in Minneapolis. Floyd George gasped for air and begged for his life as a police …
Using Psychology Make A Good First Impression
In the old days, as in a few decades ago when I began my career, marketing was all about branding and advertising. He who had the prettiest logo and the biggest bankroll for TV ads and billboards won the race. Marketing was about looking as beautiful as the Mona Lisa and getting as many eyeballs on your work as possible. …
How To Network Virtually Without Spamming
When our face-to-face networking events became Zoom calls, several networking organizations coached members to reach out across geographic boundaries to join meetings they wouldn’t normally attend, and connect with people they wouldn’t normally meet. True, with so many people working from home these days there really is no reason for us to remain within our geographic area when it comes …
Crystal Ball – Business Life After COVID
Miami-Dade is slowly starting to re-open and we’re hearing that some non-essential businesses will be allowed to open as early as next week, but life as we know it will be far from normal. Reopening is somewhat disturbing since our infection curve is only starting to trend down slightly and according to the Yale School of Medicine, we are likely …
Life After COVID For Small Business?
Florida is slowly starting to re-open and we’re hearing that some non-essential businesses will be allowed to open as early as next week, but life as we know it will be far from normal. Reopening is somewhat disturbing since our infection curve is only starting to trend down slightly and according to the Yale School of Medicine, we are likely …