Entrepreneurship Lessons From Aerosmith


Not everyone thinks of musicians as entrepreneurs, but they start their journey as small businesses just as much as the rest of us. They have a product, they have a target market, and they want to grow. Aerosmith is an excellent example of a group of entrepreneurs with the right stuff. The band formed in Boston in 1970 and became …

July Marketing Updates


A little over a month ago, I provided you with an overview of the latest marketing trends, including what people are searching for on Google.  But with this crazy COVID rollercoaster ride we’re on when one week we’re getting ready to open everything up, and the next week we’re shutting down with no idea when we’ll be able to get …

open for business after covid

Life After COVID For Small Business?


Florida is slowly starting to re-open and we’re hearing that some non-essential businesses will be allowed to open as early as next week, but life as we know it will be far from normal.  Reopening is somewhat disturbing since our infection curve is only starting to trend down slightly and according to the Yale School of Medicine, we are likely …

using humor at work woman laughing at computer

How Humor Helps Our Work Relationships


Another week of quarantine.   While we may be getting into more of a rhythm, for many of us it’s becoming a lot.  While the introverts among us are having the time of their lives getting to focus on their computers without  anyone bugging them, those of us who are extroverts could really use a good happy hour with actual crowd …

Leading through a crisis woman with like a boss mug

Leading Through A Crisis


Our country hasn’t seen a crisis that has generated this much fear and uncertainty since World War II.  People are concerned about having adequate supplies, they’re concerned about their jobs, and they’re worried about healthcare. As a business leader, you’re probably at least a little worried about your company.  You may have a team who can easily transition to working …

take your business virtual work desk

Adapting Your Business To COVID-19


As Coronavirus becomes a pandemic, business owners are working on assessing their risk, response and next steps.   Quarantines seem to be happening left and right.  If you’re the owner of a small business, you might feel like freaking out right now.  COVID-19 is serious, and the effect that it is having on businesses across the nation is real.  So …