culture of innovation

From Bootstrapping To Fostering a Culture of Innovation With Platinum DJ & Tech CEO Peter Schroeder


Entrepreneur Peter Schroeder is a DJ with over 20 platinum records, 40 gold records, and a triple nomination for the Danish DJ Awards.  He has played in front of audiences as large as 180,000 people.  On top of that, Peter has over 20 years of experience working in leading-edge technologies for companies like Facebook, Samsung, and Airbnb.  He is now the founder of communications company Telzio, developing technologies that help streamline our work.  In this blog, we’ll talk about bootstrapping a successful startup, growing by creating a culture of innovation, and how Telzio is taking on giants like AT&T and Verizon.

How Did Peter Schroeder Transition From Bootstrapping To Fostering A Culture Of Innovation?

  • What inspired your transition from the early days as a DJ to a full-fledged career, and what were the key influences shaping this journey?

The inception of my DJ career traces back to a defining moment in my childhood. At the tender age of nine, I attended a school dance featuring a DJ setup. Witnessing the transformative power of music, the joy it brought to people, ignited a passion within me. I began my journey by playing at friend’s birthday parties using a humble setup of two ghetto blasters and cassette tapes. As I entered my teens, I secured gigs at local clubs, gradually paving the way for a career that now spans over two decades.

  • What do you believe is the universal appeal of music, connecting people across cultures and ages?

Music’s universal allure is a profound and intriguing phenomenon. It transcends cultural boundaries, resonating with individuals deeply and intrinsically. This innate connection to rhythm and melody is ingrained in our very existence. Observing my twin babies respond to music at just six months old reaffirms that music is an inherent part of the human experience. It’s a form of expression that speaks to our emotions and brings people together.

  • In your journey, you’ve transitioned from DJing to the tech industry. How did this shift occur, and do you see commonalities between music and technology?

The transition from DJing to technology may seem disparate, but they share common threads. Music production, especially in electronic music, involves extensive interaction with technology. This technical aspect naturally led me to explore technology further. Additionally, my experience working with creative software developers highlighted a critical insight – the best developers are inherently creative individuals. This innovative mindset is crucial for innovation, be it in music or technology. Both domains demand a willingness to explore, experiment, and push boundaries.

  • Why did Telzio choose to bootstrap instead of seeking VC funding, and what challenges and benefits did this decision bring the company?

The decision to bootstrap Telzio was born out of necessity and a distinct vision. In the early stages, seeking VC funding seemed like the conventional route, but the realities of the process and the type of company it often shapes did not align with our goals. Raising substantial funds is an arduous task, particularly in industries perceived as less glamorous. Telzio’s journey started with a mere $16,000 from my wife’s 401k, and we consciously opted for the long route. While challenging, bootstrapping gave us complete control, allowing us to prioritize the product and our customers over external pressures.

  • As someone who has successfully navigated the challenges of bootstrapping, what advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs considering this path?

Bootstrapping demands resilience, resourcefulness, and a profound understanding of your business. I would advise focusing on building a robust product that genuinely solves a problem. Embrace the challenges and view them as opportunities for learning and growth. Stay attuned to your customers’ needs, as they will be your strongest advocates. Additionally, cultivate a culture of innovation and efficiency within your team. Remember, the journey might be longer, but the destination is one you can shape with authenticity and control.

  • How do you foster a culture of innovation within your team at Telzio?

Innovation is at the core of Telzio’s culture. We encourage a mindset of experimentation and fearlessness in trying new ideas. Our team is empowered to explore, question, and challenge existing norms. While managing people can be challenging, creating an environment where constructive criticism is welcomed fosters a culture of continuous improvement. We celebrate learning from failures, understanding that each setback is a step closer to a breakthrough. This approach ensures that our team remains at the forefront of technological advancements and is poised to address the evolving needs of our customers.

  • How does Telzio contribute to improving business communication, and what upcoming features can clients anticipate?

Effective communication is the backbone of any successful business. Through its business phone service, Telzio provides a scalable and user-friendly solution tailored to businesses of all sizes. Recognizing the diverse communication preferences of today’s customers, we are actively developing features that support multi-channel interactions. Our upcoming features, currently in beta, aim to seamlessly integrate businesses with various communication platforms, ensuring they can engage with their customers effortlessly.

  • How does Telzio leverage AI to enhance efficiency and customer experience?

AI plays a pivotal role in our vision for the future of communication. Telzio has already implemented AI features like AI attendants to handle calls and messages. These advancements streamline tasks, allowing businesses to focus on delivering excellent service rather than navigating complex communication processes. By automating routine tasks, companies can avoid missed opportunities and provide customers with a more personalized and efficient experience.

  • Building a successful team is crucial for any venture. What insights can you share about your hiring and team-building approach at Telzio?

Hiring the right team members is a nuanced process. While technical skills are vital, I prioritize individuals who are naturally curious and willing to explore new ideas. Telzio’s hiring process involves thorough screening questions to identify strong candidates who align with our values. I avoid micro-management and strive to build a team that can thrive in a collaborative and autonomous environment. Fostering a trusting and open communication culture ensures that every team member feels empowered and valued.

  • Reflecting on your journey, what key lessons have you learned that you wish you knew when starting your entrepreneurial career?

One fundamental lesson is the importance of adaptability. The business landscape is ever-changing, and pivoting and adapting is a crucial survival skill. Additionally, understanding the significance of a resilient mindset is paramount. Entrepreneurship is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, and developing resilience is essential for navigating the inevitable challenges. Lastly, the value of cultivating genuine relationships must be balanced. Building a network of mentors, advisors, and peers provides invaluable support and diverse perspectives, contributing to personal and professional growth.

  • Looking ahead, what excites you most about the future of technology and its impact on industries like communication?

The potential for technology to transform industries is truly exciting. The convergence of AI, data analytics, and cloud technologies opens doors to unprecedented possibilities in communication. I am particularly intrigued by the prospect of making communication more intuitive and tailored to individual preferences. As we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible, the future holds promises of more seamless, efficient, and personalized communication experiences that can revolutionize how businesses connect with their customers.


In this insightful conversation with Peter Schroeder, we’ve traversed the realms of music and technology, exploring the universal language of beats and the innovative frontiers of communication. From the early days of DJing to the dynamic landscape of the tech industry, Peter’s journey exemplifies the harmonious interplay between creativity and innovation. As we embrace the evolving future of technology, the symphony of beats and bytes continues to resonate, shaping how we connect and communicate in an ever-changing world.